Self-filing your taxes may be a wonderful way to save money, but if you're not careful, it might cost you money in overpaid taxes or result in an IRS audit. Trust Ameri Tax and Accounting Services for fast, affordable, error-free tax preparation in New York, NY, rather than taking chances with your tax return. Our CPA firm uses effective tax strategies to help clients reduce state and federal taxes and keep more of their hard-earned money.
We will accurately prepare your tax return by utilizing all incentives, breaks, and deductions available when we prepare your tax filings. Because we continually track changes in tax law and look for ways to legally and successfully lower taxes for our clients, you can rest assured that your taxes are as low as they can be. Unlike impersonal tax software, we care about decreasing taxes for our clients, so we'llĀ ensure you never pay higher taxes than you are required to.
ContactYou'll enjoy dealing with us because we make filing taxes simple, whether it's preparing income taxes for individuals or complicated corporate taxes for businesses. We'll handle everything if you just email us your papers, receipts, and old tax returns. Make a free consultation request online or call +1 (321) 300-1005.
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